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Workplace Aggression and Violence in Healthcare

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Workplace Aggression and Violence in Healthcare
This course is in the base subscription pack
Health, Disability and Aged Care
Course Duration
Subject Matter Expert
Melissa Sinfield - RN BHSc (Nursing) (Hons 1st class) PhD MACN
Kineo Courses
ESG Course
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The Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA)
This activity has been endorsed by APNA according to approved quality standards criteria. Completion of these educational activities entitles eligible participants to claim 60 CPD minutes.

This course has been developed to provide you with an understanding of workplace aggression and violence in healthcare and the associated impacts, risks. The course covers steps that can prevent and minimise aggression and violence, and what to do during and after an incident.

Target Audience

Healthcare workers play a crucial role in society, often facing stressful and emotionally charged situations. Violence and aggression are unfortunately commonplace in healthcare settings, making it essential that healthcare professionals are equipped with the strategies and techniques to manage these situations effectively. By learning how to recognise warning signs, establish boundaries and respond appropriately, healthcare workers can enhance the safety and wellbeing of themselves, and their patients.

Workplace aggression and violence come at a high cost. As well as financial costs and physical impacts, ranging from minor injuries to death, it can cause psychological trauma for everyone involved, including patients, their families, and employees.

This course is appropriate for all roles across all facets of the healthcare

Learning Outcomes

Aggression and violence directed at healthcare employees is preventable, unacceptable, and should not be tolerated. Everybody has the right to a safe work environment.

Understanding why incidents can arise is an important part of prevention, but also gives employees insights so they can empathise with a person who is showing signs of aggression, when appropriate.

There are often clear warning signs you can spot which may mean someone may be at risk of escalating their behaviour. Being able to spot these warning signs is a crucial skill to equip your healthcare workers with. It enables them to anticipate and even prevent some potential incidents.

There are also tried and tested strategies employees can use to de-escalate an incident when it does happen. Learning these skills and strategies can increase employees' confidence, just by knowing what to do should a situation arise can make a huge difference, even if they never have to use their new knowledge.

This course provides learners with an understanding of:  

  • Identifying workplace aggression and violence in healthcare settings  
  • understanding their obligations and responsibilities  
  • carrying out steps to prevent and manage the risk of an incident  
  • identifying the phases of aggression  
  • performing de-escalation strategies in the event of an incident  
  • completing post-incident reviews, and  
  • providing support to those involved.

Contextualised Content

aggression, violence, doctor, nurse, personal, care, worker, aged, incident, risk, physical, psychological, communicate, communication, safe, safer, environment, patient, person, staff, trauma, prevention, escalate, escalating, de-escalate, de-escalating, de-escalation, technique, post-incident, support