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Modern Slavery

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Modern Slavery
This course is in the base subscription pack
Course Duration
Subject Matter Expert
Thomson Geer
Kineo Courses
ESG Course
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This course has been developed to provide an understanding of what modern slavery is, how organisations can minimise their risk of being involved and how to fulfil their reporting obligations.

Target Audience

This course is aimed at all members of the workplace, particularly managers, policy writers,and those involved in supply chain and contractor relationships.

Learning Outcomes

This course provides an understanding of:

  • what modern slavery is
  • how organisations can minimise their risk of being involved with it, and
  • the mandatory reporting obligations.

Contextualised Content

Slavery, Anti-Slavery, risk, reporting, supply chain, contractors, coercion, threats, deception, exploit, victims, exploitation, Sex Trafficking, Child Sex Trafficking, Forced Labor, Bonded Labor or Debt Bondage, Domestic Servitude, Forced Child Labor, Unlawful Recruitment
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